Vsak dan med 31. 1. in 4. 2. ob 12 uri v knjigarni Sanje na Trubarjevi živi akustični nastopi domačih in tujih izvajalcev. Z zavodom 1Chi bomo s skupnimi močmi ob 10-letnici delovanja Radia Žica vzpostavili novo, živo platformo kvalitetne glasbe.
ZborXop (SKD Prosvjeta Zagreb) (HR, BIH, SRB)
ZborXop is a mixed choir formed thirteen years ago under the auspices of the Zagreb branch of the Serbian Cultural Society “Prosvjeta”, but has always been open to everyone regardless of nationality. The choir performs traditional ethnic music from the area of southern Serbia and the wider Balkan area, presenting less (or more) known songs that were most often passed down “from generation to generation”, performed in communities, but in the new spirit of choral arrangements. In addition to preserving the musical aspect of intangible cultural heritage by bringing traditional music closer to the modern audience, ZborXop also performs anti-fascist folk songs, regularly performing at events such as Trnjanski kresov and other anti-fascist and minority events.
Poslanstvo radia Žica je ponujati dobro glasbo s celega sveta ter področja bivše Jugoslavije. V svojo programsko shemo redno uvršča tudi kulturne prispevke in poezijo. S prevzemom vloge uradnega radia Kavč festivala 2023 bo spletni Radio Žica proslavil svojih 10 let delovanja.