Donatorji / Supporters

It all began very spontaneously and, as it is always the case with me, astonishingly 🙂

The radio station which broadcasted my show was dying out. Disappointed with how the system is devouring everything in an unfair and manipulative manner, I jokingly told the owner, who had to close down the station, how fed up I was with everything and that I was going to form a station of my own. He asked me how I imagined to do that, knowing I had no money. I told him I didn’t really know how but that I was definitely going to do it. In return, he offered me to lend me the studio and the equipment for free in the beginning if I found a server because he could see how much I really liked doing it. As I was striding away, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Later, I met an old friend, Aleš L., a programmer who I hadn’t seen for a looooong time. He asked me why I was in a bad mood and I explained the whole story. He offered me his server in Germany, saying that I really needed to have a radio of my own. “You dude have got to have your own radio ’cause you really know your way around music.” That’s what he said and we had a deal. Only half an hour passed and I was already back in my boss’s office at the station telling him I got myself a server and asking him when I could start broadcasting. 😀 He looked at me in a surprised way and said: “Awesome!! Really?”. And so the story of Radio Žica began.
Seven years have passed since then! Without assets and support, only love and heart.
In the beginning, I got the most important help from my friends: Aleš Lončar, Dejan Šlibar, Borut Šemerl, Tina Karba and Mark. It included the studio, the server, equipment, the logo and the software….
Later, the masters of computer science contributed their share: Zoran Dakić, Sanel Zec, Mitja Zupan. And, when it became very serious, starting with the establishment and registration of the institution of Zavod 1Chi, my friend, computer master and Life coach Blaž Lukacs joined in and took over the official responsibility of Zavod 1Chi as the director.

All the equipment is rented, as well as the premises which are used for broadcasting. We don’t own anything except the main programme computers. Therefore, the time has come to settle this and collect some funds to buy the equipment with and on which we work.

So I turn to you all and ask you to help and contribute as much as you can with a money transfer on our paypal account for donations for RADIO ŽICA or our bank account of the ZAVOD 1Chi number SI56 1010 0005 4033 263, open with Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d. You can also help if you forward the information to people or businesses who would like to advertise in our programme and/or web pages.
I would also like to thank all who have contributed so far and helped to Zavod 1Chi – Radio Žica and Radio Vrabček to continue working.
Those who decide to contribute to the development of Radio Žica will receive a T-shirt with the logo of Radio Žica by mail.  Get in touch for cooperation.

Vse se je začelo zelo spontano in, kot vedno pri meni, presenetljivo. 🙂 Radijska postaja, na kateri sem imel svojo oddajo, je ugašala. Razočaran, da sistem požira vse okrog sebe na nepošten in manipulativen način, sem se pošalil z lastnikom, ki je bil primoran postajo ugasniti, da mi je dost tega in da bom naredil svojo lastno. Vprašal me je kako si to predstavljam, če nimam denarja. Rekel sem mu da ne vem, a da bom to zagotovo storil. Odvrnil mi je, da če najdem strežnik, mi on za začetek zastonj posodi studio in opremo, ker vidi, da imam to zares rad. In… sem odkorakal stran z mislimi o tem. Srečal sem starega prijatelja, Aleša L., programerja, ki ga že doolgo nisem videl. Vprašal me je zakaj sem slabe volje, jaz pa sem mu povedal celo zgodbo. Ponudil mi je svoj strežnik v Nemčiji, češ, da jaz pa res moram imeti radio. “Ti stari moraš imeti radio, ker obvladaš musko” je rekel in sva bila zmenjena. Minilo je samo pol ure, ko sem bil nazaj v pisarni na postaji in povedal šefu, da imam strežnik, ter ga vprašal kdaj lahko začnem oddajati. 😀 Čudno me je pogledal in rekel: “Noro! A res?”. In tako se je začela zgodba Radia Žica …
Od tega je zdaj že 7 let! Brez sredstev in podpore, samo ljubezen in srce …
Na začetku sem najbolj pomembno pomoč dobil od prijateljev: Aleša Lončarja, Dejana Šlibarja, Boruta Šemerla, Tine Karba, Marka. Vključevala je studio, opremo, logotip in programsko opremo…
Po tem so prispevali Zoran Dakić, Sanel Zec, Mitja Zupan, mojstri računalništva. In, ko je postalo zelo resno, registracija in ustanovitev Zavoda 1Chi, se je pridružil prijatelj Blaž Lukacs, računalničar in Life coach, ter prevzel uradno odgovornost do Zavoda kot direktor…
Vsa oprema je v najemu, kot tudi prostor iz katerega oddajamo program. Ni naša last, razen glavnih računalnikov za program. Torej, napočil je čas, da tudi to uredimo in zberemo sredstva za odkup opreme na kateri delamo…

Vse vas naprošam da pomagate in prispevate koliko lahko na naš paypal račun za donacije za Radio Žica, ali na bančni račun Zavoda 1chi, Transakcijski račun: SI56 1010 0005 4033 263, odprt pri: Banka Koper d.d. Lahko pomagate tudi če posredujete informacijo do ljudi , ki bi radi oglaševali v našem programu in na spletnih straneh.
Najlepša hvala vsem , ki ste do sedaj prispevali in pomagali da Zavod 1Chi – Radio Žica in Radio Vrabček delajo naprej.
Vsi, ki prispevate za razvoj Radia Žica boste po pošti dobili majičko z logotipom Radia Žica 🙂 Javite se da sodelujmo 🙂

Do zdaj-sada so-su preko paypal-a i računa Zavoda1chi, donirali sredstva

1. BRANKO leta 2015 (Slo)
2. KATARINA leta 2016 (2x)(Slo)
3. ABID leta 2016 & 2018 (USA)
4. VERONIKA leta 2017 (Slo)
5. TATJANA CVITKO leta 2017 (Slo)
6. Dejan leta 2018 (Canada)
7. Marjetka leta 2018 (USA)
8. Nedeljko leto 2021 (Australija)
9. MAJA leto 2021 (Slo)
10. BILJANA leto 2021 (Slo)
11. MUNIBA leto 2021 (Slo)
12. Maja leto 2021 (Slo)
13. Andrej leto 2021 (Slo)
14. Berislav leto 2021 (BiH-Sweden)
15. Dragica leto 2021 (Slo)
16. Brid leto 2021 ( ? )
17. Robert LETO 2021 (Slo)
18. Martina leto 2021 (Slo)
19. MAJA leto 2021 (Slo)
20. Marko leto 2021 (Slo)
21. Snežana leto 2021 (Slo)
22. Melita leto 2021 (Slo)